If you are business or brand, this group of users are notoriously difficult to market to, so why not grow your TikTok account in order to establish authority and social proof on the platform, if you are unsure of where to start, here are some methods for you to try. Automation Automation is a series of tools that can not only grow your account for you, but they can also manage an array of actions depending on your needs. Prior to using an automation tool, you want to make sure that you know who your target market and desired community is. If you approach TikTok with a mass marketing strategy, you won’t see the same level of follower growth as you would if you carefully select your target market and audience. TikTok’s algorithm seems to champion the follower engagement ratio, so when you are configuring your TikTok bot, make sure you allow it to engage with other accounts on your behalf. The more accounts and content your automation interacts with, the more likely other users are going to reciprocate and thus boost your ratio and growth. Trending Hashtags There is little to no point in spending time and energy to create content if you don’t know what hashtags you are going to use when you put your content out in the TikTok universe. Like Instagram and Twitter, you need hashtags to make sure your content can be found by other users, but you want to make sure that you are using the best possible hashtags for visibility. By using hashtag tending services you will always be able to find the most popular hashtags in your subject matter which will help your content get seen. By using a hashtag service, you don’t have to trawl through various different platforms and information trying to find the correct data points. Growth Service If you haven’t got the time or the inclination to grow your TikTok account yourself, employ a growth service to excel your following on TikTok. All you will need to do is give your selected a detailed assessment of who your target audience and target community on the app is. From there, they will begin growing your account for you and provide you with reports as to how their service is performing. Growth services are an excellent method of account management if you want a totally hands-off approach, they will manage all the actions on your account for you and leave to create content and manage your other social media platforms. Final Thoughts With TikTok bursting onto the scene, some may see it as just another account that they have to manage, but if you do it correctly, you can grow your TikTok account rapidly with very little effort on your part. One of the fundamentals, before you use any growth service is making sure that you’re aware of your target market and the demographics that you want to appeal to on the platform. If you can get this right straight away, you won’t have any issues in your account growing. Automation, hashtags, and growth services are all about streamlining actions and efficiency savings, if you don’t want to manage another account or you want more of a hands-off approach, look to tools to grow your account for you.