For WordPress lovers Google Cloud can be an alternative to find a tight server spec and can be upgraded when it is running. To install WordPress on Google Cloud you can follow the following guidelines.

Install WordPress on Google Cloud

  1. First you have to visit the page If possible you must have signed in first, and of course already have access to Google Cloud.2) Then click the “Click to Deploy” button.3) After that click the “Click Launch” button to start the installation, or click “View Past Deployments” to see the installation that was once done.4) Fill in the fields needed especially for the “name” field for those that are easy to remember because it will also be automatically used on virtual machines. Also choose the details of the server specs according to your needs.5) Fill your email correctly, because this email is used for WordPress user id later.6) Once all is filled in, click the “Deploy” button below itself. Wait for this deployment process to be complete, it will usually take a few minutes.7) After completing the data such as username, password, and so forth there is on the right side.8) Then you can point your domain to your IP Server. After that you can change your WordPress URL to a domain name, through the Settings > General on WordPress page. That’s the easiest way tutorial how to install WordPress on Google Cloud. If you are still struggling, you can follow the guidelines through the following video. Read more about How to Activate Bimber WordPress Theme, How to Downgrade WordPress Version, 3 Best WordPress Themes in Viral Category